Courses That Build Your Confidence with Clients!

Develop Skills,

Create Personalized Plans, and

Lay Groundwork for Increased Revenue.

Pre-launch discounts begin at 75% and decline monthly

Shift into a more centered, emotionally balanced state, regardless of the nature of your service…

...without needing therapy, a shoulder to cry on, or a visit to your favorite bodyworker.


Stay centered even with ungrounded clients...

...feel calm even in the face of crisis…

...and handle even the most unpleasant clients and challenging sessions.

Buy them individually or as a suite of four.

75% off all four

Only until the end of this month!

Buy now. Do the work any time. Life-time access.

Learn, assess, and then decide for yourself:

"Should I have Imposter Syndrome?"

Full price at launch will be $149 + tax

Many of the people I have advised are stuck because they doubt themselves. This mini-course course leads you through a frank, objective self-assessment of whether you are ready to work with clients.


  • Stop fearing new clients.
  • Create a structure for your sessions.
  • Separate belief from reality.
  • Learn if you have what it takes to succeed.


Lots of advisers just say: "Overcome Imposter Syndrome! Believe you have what it takes and you'll succeed! You're great!"


But having coached thousands of people for more than two decades, I know this isn't always true. Not everyone works effectively with clients.


This course describes the qualities you need to succeed as a client-based service provider. You'll decide whether you have enough of those qualities to continue.

If so, it's time to swallow your fear and commit to your client-based business. If not, you'll develop an Action Plan to get you ready.

The basics no one teaches you:

"Successful Sessions Every Time!"

Full price at launch will be $298 + tax

Have you ever doubted yourself in the middle of a session? Looked for the right words to say out loud, while the wrong words are bouncing around inside your head?


At times like that, you're your own worst enemy.


"Successful Sessions Every Time!" presents guidelines that allow you to find your rhythm and enjoy productive sessions more often.

You'll learn:

  • How to meet the client's energy.
  • Why to radiate authority and kindness simultaneously.
  • What it means to be true to both the client and yourself.

Actionable outcomes include:

  • A map to follow in each of your meetings.
  • A script for opening and closing.
  • Useful phrases to turn to when you're stuck.

...and other useful insights and tools that help regardless of whether you are a seasoned service provider or just thinking about starting a business.

A different approach to protecting yourself:

"Recover from (or Avoid) Burnout & Compassion Fatigue"

Full price at launch will be $496 + tax

This course goes way beyond preaching self-care. It reshapes beliefs and behaviors that sink you into exhaustion and discouragement.


Learn how to maintain health and emotional balance even when clients have neither. You'll emerge with:

  • a reframed definition of your job...and
  • the conviction that your serenity does NOT depend on their progress.

If you're highly sensitive, you've had the experience of picking up anxiety and other emotions from people around you. It can be particularly intense in a professional setting.

Learn from a professional empath what you need to do to avoid suffering. Hint: It has nothing to do with bubbles of light and shields of mirrors. After the course, you'll be better able to sit in front of distressed people without taking on their emotions.

Those non-dream, less-than-ideal, not-soul-resonating clients:

"How to Handle Difficult Clients"

Full price at launch will be $496 + tax

We all get them. You're not the only person to ever think, "Thank god that's over" at the end of a client meeting.


Or, "Well, THAT didn't go well."

Perhaps those tough interactions shake your confidence. Sometimes you just want to .... well .... right?


This course is about you -- not techniques and methods. It's about how you handle yourself. It doesn't list all the types of difficult people and suggest how to handle each. Lots of other courses and regurgitated content cover that.


Instead, it covers how to:

  • respond to resistance...
  • be a hardass without driving them away...
  • refocus when they head in unproductive directions…
  • and how to do all that without feeling intimidated!

Get all four for 75% off, for a very limited time!

Full price for all four at launch will be $1,439

Buy now for $359 + tax

Enter promo code March75 in the checkout form

(So...if you wait for the launch, you'll pay $1,079 more.)

Buy Now for $359

THESE DEALS EXPIRE midnight 3/31/2024


This is the steepest discount that will ever be offered for the Confidence with Clients courses.



Beginners will learn the basics, such as:

  • how to open and close a session,
  • when to listen and when to lead, and
  • what to do if the client gets upset.

Service providers with many years' experience will learn unique, systems-based methods for:

  • managing themselves in sessions
  • avoiding burnout, and
  • dealing kindly but firmly with difficult clients.

This is not a copycat compilation of other people's articles and ho-hum heard-it-before content.

Confidence with Clients presents original techniques and thought-provoking approaches you won't find anywhere else.


Join the early birds!

Get this pre-launch special..

...this month only!

When this deal goes away, it goes away forever.

Enter PROMO CODE March75 in the checkout form.
